Extragential Screening

What You Need To Know

Anyone who has sex can get an STD, but men who have sex with men (MSM) are more frequently impacted by HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Despite this, STDs are preventable with the proper and consistent use of safe-sex precautions. Understanding how STDs are spread and ways to utilize preventative measures properly, as well as engaging in routine STD screening, is a proactive way in which an individual can protect themselves and their partners.

Please take a moment to read the following information to learn more about available screening options, ways to prevent STDs, and nearby locations in which STD testing is available.

Extragenital Testing

All STD screening tests act as an important tool to detect or rule out disease, but for those who engage in oral and/or anal sex, extra-genital testing is particularly important.  Extra-genital screening refers to testing for STDs at specific sites of sexual contact (often the butt and throat), rather than just performing a urine or urethral swab test.

As rates of gonorrhea and chlamydia are increasing among MSM, increasing extragenital testing rates among MSM is a high-priority issue for the Utah Department of Health.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), urine-only chlamydia and gonorrhea tests miss 70-88% of infections in MSM.  Additionally, individuals with rectal gonorrhea infections often do not have symptoms (85% of the time), illustrating the growing need for routine extra-genital screening.

Below is a list of nearby testing sites that offer extra-genital testing along with other routine STD screening procedures.

STD Testing Sites

For more information on specific STDs, as well as no/low-cost testing locations throughout the state of Utah, please visit the Utah Department of Health Testing and Treatment Resource Guide listed below:

Below is a list of nearby testing sites that offer extra-genital testing along with other routine STD screening procedures.

Find Testing Locations

STD Prevention

There are a variety of ways to prevent the contraction and spread of STDs.  Utilizing methods of protection and educating yourself will keep you and your partner(s) safe.


Most reliable way to avoid infection.

Avoid Mixing Drugs & Alcohol

Think twice before mixing alcohol and/or drugs with sex.  Alcohol and drugs can impair your ability to make responsible decisions and increase the likelihood of engaging in risky behavior.


Get to know someone before having sex with them and talk openly and honestly about past or current STDs.  Consider getting tested before you have sex.


Correct and consistent use of the male latex condom is highly effective in reducing transmission of STDs.  A condom should be used every time you have anal, vaginal or oral sex.  Synthetic, non-latex condoms are available for those with a latex allergy, although, these condoms have higher breakage rates than latex condoms and can be more expensive.

Mutual Monogamy

You agree to be sexually active with just one person, and that persona has agreed to be sexually active only with you.  Both partners need to be open and honest with each other and get tested together initially, and when necessary, in order to bring about the greatest amount of protection.

Reducing the Number of Sex Partners

Reducing the number of sex partners can decrease your risk of STDs.  It is important that you and your partner(s) are continuing to get tested and share results with one another.


Vaccines to prevent hepatitis B and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) are available.  Vaccines are safe and effective ways to reduce the risk of contracting these infections.  Unfortunately, there are no vaccines for preventing chlamydia or gonorrhea.

Also, check out our prevention page